This post is part of a series of 34 Things I Want My Daughters to Know About Me. You can see my additional things here: An Anniversary and #1-4 | #15-24 | A Birthday and #25-34
Throughout the month, in loving memory of my Mom, I’m participating in 34 Things with Jennifer Wilson at Simple Scrapper. You can see my original post here. I’ll be sharing 34 Things I want my daughters to know about me. Some may be just little things I remember, some may be experiences I’ve had, and some may be feelings I’ve felt over these past 30 years. The point is, that everything on this list is documented and is the start of a long list of stories about myself I can share with my daughters.
Here are my next few entries:
5. Before I was born my parents had a dog named Buddy (picture above). He died when I was still a baby but my parents said he was always very good with me. He looks like such a gentle soul in pictures.
6. I did gymnastics for just a few weeks when I was 4 or 5. I only went too a few lessons but got too scared when we had to go on the High Bar and never went back. Reya, I am so proud of how brave you have been and how strong you have become in your four years of gymnastics.
7. I’ve always loved school and learning new things. Even now I research and learn as much about new subjects I’m interested in as I can. I encourage you to always be curious and inquisitive. Learn something new everyday and never be afraid to ask questions.
8. I fell in love with taking pictures of clouds, the sky, and beautiful sunsets when I was a freshman at UCSD. There was this amazing view from my dorm floor with giant windows that made it seem as if the ocean and sky truly went on forever and ever.
9. I wear flip flops ALL the time (even when its raining). Probably a by-product of growing up in Southern California. Reya, you are more a fan of boots these days and Lola right now you mostly enjoy chewing on your own socks.
10. Two of my great-grandmothers lived to be over 100. My Great-Grandma Rica on my Dad’s side lived to be 102 and Great-Grandma Ramona on my Mom’s side lived to be 101. I don’t know how they did it but probably the strength they built up over time. They both cared for large families after both of their husbands passed away at a young age and they were always working or gardening outside. I don’t remember a lot about them but I am still in awe of how they lived their lives for their families. I wish I had more pictures of them.
11. My cousin Melissa and I were born only two weeks apart. Growing up, we spent a lot of time together playing all kinds of games in Grandma Lilly’s backyard or riding bikes in the front yard. We were so close in age that we often argued like only sisters can but always made up five minutes later.
12. My favorite candy for as long as I can remember has been Skittles.
13. I love musicals. My first was The Lion King at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood. We went with my cousins and aunts when it first came out in 1997. The next year I went with a large group of family members to see Phantom of the Opera. I still try to see some of the new musicals when they come to LA. I can’t wait until you are old enough to come with me.
14. My Grandpa Mago, my Dad’s Dad, was a World War II veteran. He didn’t talk about it so I don’t know much beyond he was in a communications division in the Pacific Theatre. Seeing the world, even at war, inspired him to continue traveling. He took his young family all over the country and even took the youngest two to Europe. He and my Grandmother continued traveling as they got older and took multiple trips to various parts of Europe. His travel bug lives on in many of his children and grandchildren, including me. Your Dad and I plan on taking you as many places as we can and then I hope you continue to want to explore the world on your own.
More bloggers and scrapbookers have joined in on 34 Things. Check out these posts here and here. Before Your Story starts next Thursday at Big Picture Classes. If you’re interested in documenting the story of your life before kids, marriage, etc I encourage you to check out the class here. I am really looking forward to getting started.
Is there anyone in your life that inspires you to preserve your own memories? Maybe your children or an older relative with Alzheimers? Please feel free to share in the comments.
#11 your picture is a spitting image of Lola’s intense stare. Your eyes are the windows to your soul. I am sure Lola and Reya will be very appreciative that you are sharing yourself with them and your life expierences. Love reading your story and its memories.
I didn’t even think about that but I’ve come across more than a few pictures where I have Lola’s serious face. Hmmm…=)