It has been an intense past few weeks of studying for the GRE and preparing my graduate school applications. I take the GRE on Monday. Can I get a high five?! The time that this application process has required hasn’t left me room for much else, but I’ve missed this space and I’m itching to get back to writing here.
Today I am saying HELLO AGAIN! (just briefly) because I wanted to share something. Despite the intense pressure that comes with applying for graduate school I have been able to stay centered and connected to my own inner sense of being through you guessed it, my mindfulness and meditation practice.
Returning to my breath–especially when I’ve felt myself getting tense or anxious or overwhelmed about all the things that have to get done–has kept me from dwelling in any of those negative spaces. Those feelings have come and those feelings have passed.
Staying centered within the body and not identifying with those feelings has also had this amazing secondary effect. It’s allowed space for me to be present with the more positive feelings of excitement and the deep sense of gratitude I have felt at various moments throughout this journey.
I am not an island. I couldn’t do it–studying, essay writing, applications, transcripts, mom, wife, etc–without an amazing team of supporters behind me, and those supporters include YOU. You all believe in me, infinitely more than I have ever been able to believe in myself, and for that I am deeply grateful.
The finish line is in sight! I will be back here again, posting regularly, very soon. Until then practice mindfulness. Try meditation. Try noticing the sensations in the body, as different feelings arise, “positive” and “negative”. Being present in those moments will not lead you astray.
I’ll leave you with a quote that has helped me recently:
You’re going to do so well! Sending love and light!
Thank you Heather! One step closer to the goal =)
Congrats and way to go!
Thank you Bonnie! I truly appreciate your encouraging words <3
Go Marina! :)
Thank you my friend! I miss our chats. Hopefully see you soon =)
High five, Marina! Congratulations on your journey to graduate school. I know exactly what you mean! I earned my Masters with two kids, a husband, a full time job, and a crazy boss that you might remember was a little eccentric. :-)
But you are so right, all that does not come outta no where. You get by through a great support system. I am so glad you have one. Your quote is so timely for me. It’s ok to be afraid, but just keep going. I needed to hear that. Thanks for sharing. I love your blog!
Thank you Nikki! I do not remember that you were in graduate school during that fun time of our lives. Whoa, you GO girl! The support system has been so huge. Words of encouragement, just like yours, have meant the most. I am glad that the quote helped. I am grateful that you’re reading my blog Nikki. It’s always nice to stay in contact with friends, be they near or far. =)
This is your moment and your are ready for it! Thanks for such an inspiring blog and thanks for being such an inspiring person. You are gonna rock this GRE and you are going to rock your Masters Program!
Thank you Sarah! I just have to keep focused on the light at the end of this tunnel. All the encouragement makes it that much easier. =)
*hits like button* miss your posts & look forward to your writing more…until then keep doing your thing!
I love this quote. My quote for 2015 was Choose love not fear. This fits in for me. I also really appreciate your thoughts about staying with the breath and that helping you tune into the moment and the beauty of it.
Good luck on your exam!
Hey you! When are you returning back to blogging? How did the GRE go? Update please, we miss you!
Hi Lani! Thank you so much for checking up on me. It’s really nice to know that I was missed. The GRE went really well. I submitted my last grad school app on Jan 15th. Woohoo! We’ve been battling sickness but I’m definitely working on a 2015 Year in Review post for next week. Can’t wait to reconnect this year! =)
High Five Lady!
Thank you Dhira! Can’t wait to connect more this year! =)