More so than even January, September gives many people and many families that feeling of a fresh start. Summer is ending, kids are going back to school, and maybe you are too. Whether it be the beginning of the year or the beginning of a new season, “starting” brings with it both excitement and a bit of nervousness.
For our family, as I mentioned here, there’s been a lot of “starting” in the past few weeks. My youngest daughter is starting preschool, my oldest started second grade, and I went back to school for the first time in 11 years.
Starting is almost never easy. Being a beginner can be humbling. Taking that first step often seems daunting. The trick is, that once we can get past ourselves and actually start, peace can come if we’re gentle with ourselves and let peace in.
To celebrate and honor our new beginnings, the September theme here at Mindful Memory Keeping will be Just Start. For the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing posts about getting started and being a beginner in relation to my favorite topics: creativity, mindfulness, and vulnerability.
I’ll also share some posts to continue the story of self-esteem.
So, I am here. I am starting again. I am writing to overcome my impostor syndrome and to continue sharing my story in the hopes that I can be an example of how loss can be transformative. I want to encourage you to embrace an inspired life through creativity, mindfulness, and vulnerability.
I hope you are well. Thank you for sharing this moment with me. I am grateful for you.
So beautiful and honest, Marina! I love the September theme, and I hope your family’s transitions go smoothly. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Julie! Starting is always a hurdle for me so I hope that by sharing here I can help others as well as myself. =) Transitions going okay so far. I just have to remember that finding a rhythm and routine takes time. ;)
It’s brave of you to share your journey. I am wishing you the best on it and hope you stay strong. :)
Thank you, Dia! I’m a big believer in vulnerability and this blog is a place to put it into practice for the purpose of helping others. Thank you for reading and for your kind words. I am grateful.
Marina I absolutely love this post. You are so right, being a beginner is usually not easy, but to achieve great things you must start. In my coaching practice that is so essential. If there is only one thing that I can tell people, it’s to get started. Whatever way they can, with a small a step they want. It’s action that drives change. Love it love it love it. Thank you for sharing <3
Your kind words remind me of the quote, “Progress over perfection.” (I think that’s how it goes.) Your words of, “It’s the action that drives the change.” —> Yes yes yes! So inspiring. Thank you for reading and commenting, Murielle. It is very much appreciated.
Just checking in with you, good luck with school! Sounds interesting. I am having trouble not starting but keeping up with blogging! I need to work on letting go of expectations. We all have something to work on!
Thanks for checking in Patti! I have to “just start” every day. I have to “just start” writing each post, “just start” decluttering, “just start” studying, etc. I’ve always been a “master procrastinator.” It all stems from expectations and perfectionism which stems from shame. The more we all talk about our struggles though the easier it becomes. =)
I adore how positive you are! Yes, just start :)
Thank you Lani! Positivity isn’t always easy for me but the more I talk about my own struggle the easier it is. =)