Welcome to Mindful Memory Keeping! I will have some introduction posts going up over the coming month but I wanted to get things started for the New Year by sharing my One Little Word for 2014. The One Little Word (OLW) project was started a few years ago by popular scrapbooking blogger, Ali Edwards. I joined back in 2011. That first year my word was Intention, in 2012 it was Nurture, in 2013 Enjoy and for 2014…
This word reminds me that only I have the power to choose what I’m doing, choose how I’m feeling, and to choose how I am responding to people and situations. I’ve enjoyed having a word to help ground me in the desires I have for my life each year. In 2014, I’ll be sharing my journey here. What word is calling to you for the new year?
One word that calls to me is present. Thanks for posting! It helped me think of what I struggle with and provided me with a little mantra to help me stay present.
I love the word present. So important to stay in the moment. I’ll be sharing more on how I’m interacting with my word throughout the year. Thanks for reading!