The One Little Word (OLW) project was started a few years ago by popular memory keeper, Ali Edwards. Instead of making New Years Resolutions she encourages you to choose a word that will help set an intention and tone for your year. This year-long project is a great example of mindful memory keeping.
I first joined the One Little Word community in 2011. That first year my word was Intention, 2012 was Nurture, in 2013 Enjoy, 2014 was Choose, 2015 was the year of Light, and 2016 is the year of…
LOVE. While this word started calling to me at the end of last year. I have to admit I was scared of it. It is such a big word. So much power and yet so much gentleness. So I went for it and embraced it as my own. I think LOVE really builds on my word from last year, LIGHT.
I utilized Susannah Conway’s Find Your Word workshop to confirm the word in my heart. Funny enough at the end of the course she revealed she had chosen LOVE too.
In Ali’s One Little Word workshop she provides some amazing prompts to help you really explore your desires and dreams for what your word can be in your life throughout the year.
It’s already March and I haven’t yet jumped into the prompts but I will.
I already know my main intention for this word is to focus on and really embody, loving myself and others, in both tangible and more spiritual ways. Ali’s prompts will help me flush this out even more.
I’ll keep sharing my One Little Word journey using the monthly prompts. I’ll continue to share the visual reminders I see in everyday life over on Instagram. These small moments of mindfulness help keep my intentions for this word and for my life close in mind.
I’ll leave you with a “LOVE” quote of my own creation. It has become my mantra for the year.
Thank you for spending a moment with me. I am grateful for you.
My word this year is CARE. I have a small 8×6 album for it and am enjoying using this different size and having an album other than my Project Life one. This is my eighth year of having a word and I think that each one has left wonderful changes in me and my environment. I usually post my pages on Instagram at amiepilon.
CARE. I love that word. It has a gentler sound than kind and takes it to that next level of compassion but isn’t so long. <3 I'm also doing a small album and loving it. Much more manageable than 8.5x11. Eight years wow! I'm following you on Instagram and enjoy the mix of drawings and memory keeping. Happy Sunday!
My one little word is PLAY. I play through life. I play into new discoveries. I play with my power. I play to connect. My play presences and nourishes me.
Oh PLAY. What a fun word! I can see how its working in your life too with all your wonderful posts. Play is a word that could work in my life as I lean towards seriousness. I’ll be thinking on how I can incorporate some PLAY into my LOVE journey this year. <3