In the Take a Moment series I encourage you to take a moment for memory keeping and mindfulness. I add in some randomness, share new things I’m learning, and let you know about interesting things I find along the way. Enjoy!
Ann-Marie Espinoza finds clarity on the need for alone time and self-care
Loved this poem from Reverend Safire Rose via Mindfulness & Psychotherapy
How meditation changes your mind via Mindful in May
Speaking of…Mindful in May has been a beautiful supplement to my daily meditation these past 19 days. Sponsor me here to help build clean water projects in Uganda. Only 12 more days to go!
Take a moment to tell your story in one word. My word would be Grow
Yummy recipes with Weight Watchers points (I’ve lost 15lbs with WW since January!)
Please no pressure when contemplating more kids
Keep an eye out for this mindulness PSA on The CW television station
I’m not a binge TV show watcher but the best Pride & Prejudice version ever is now available on Amazon Instant Video…
A super cute pocket page style baby book from Ann-Marie Espinoza. See my version here
And finally Take a Moment for some desktop wallpaper inspiration. As part of this series I’m pairing a quote, curated from my Wise Words board on Pinterest, with one of the amazing images from unsplash. Click the image above, then right click to save it to your computer and use it as your desktop wallpaper.
Have a great week! Thank you for spending a moment with me.
I love the She Let Go poem, I have it taped to my wall in my office. It is so on point. Great links.
That was the first time I read it. Posting it up is a great idea. Thank you for reading!
Great links, Marina! My word is transformation :)
I’m SO glad you linked that poem because I’ve seen it on Facebook in the past but did not know who it was attributed to!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Katy! Glad I could help. It’s a beautiful poem =)